Getting started: Learning Calendar

The Financial Crimes Learning Experience is a 30-day workshop built around 4 weekly learning cycles with 4 Modules containing 4 Prompts and a total of 50 Lessons. 

Modules are posted each Friday at 11 a.m. Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). We count a week starting on a Friday and ending on the following Thursday. Here is the calendar for the September 14 to October 13, 2022, workshop.

Certificate of Completion

On graduation day, to obtain a certificate of completion and an invitation to join our alumni network, you must have posted responses to each prompt and provided thoughtful responses to other participants’ prompts.

Why do we establish this benchmark?

  • to hold you responsible for your participation in this workshop.
  • to help you maximize the workshop by completing each prompt.
  • Most importantly, we know you can complete this sprint and push yourself to your limits.

Here are some productivity tips to help you manage your time and energy during the 30-day sprint.

Complete and Continue